Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekly Menu

We always try to have a menu planned out on Saturday or Sunday for the following week. This helps with grocery shopping, most of the time. There has been a few times I had to send Eric back to the store because I thought I knew what I needed for a recipe and didn't look at it, which resulted in ingredients left off the list.

This week's menu is - 

Saturday - Salad with chicken
Sunday - Lasagna 
Monday - leftovers 
Tuesday - Turkey patties with veggies
Wednesday - Spaghetti
Thursday - Pulled Pork
Friday - Chicken with veggies 

Salad with chicken 
Season chicken breast and fry in a little olive oil. Chop it up and add to our salad. 

Turkey patties 
1 lb ground turkey
1/2 chopped red bell pepper
1/2 chopped onion
Worcestershire sauce
Season salt
Garlic powder
Diced jalapenos
Mix together, cook at 400 degrees for 15 minutes on each side.

Pulled pork
Using the recipe out of Pioneer Woman's cookbook

Chicken with veggies
Cook the chicken like I do for the salad but I don't chop it up.

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